So what does it actually look like to build a side biz when you work a demanding full time job?

Here’s what you’ll get inside the Guidebook:

I don’t know any entrepreneurs who didn’t start by seeing some else do it first...

Exactly how to set goals, without the overwhelm! So you can carve a clear path while being strategic, leveraging time, and getting the most out of your efforts in bringing your business idea to life.

How having a solid plan helps keep you on track, giving you the confidence to take the big leap you’ve been dreaming of!

See an example of a real timeline of a successful entrepreneur who has been exactly where you are right now - all mapped out showing how she made the transition from corporate career to thriving entrepreneur… 

(Surprise - it’s mine! I’m spilling the tea on my own *actual* timeline on how I went from miserable corporate employee to leading my own multiple six-figure business, so you can see month-by-month what’s possible, so that you can move forward with confidence, KNOWING that if I can do it, so can you!)

Hey, I'm Janelle Nicole

Wanna know the real truth? I was an attorney for 6 years, and while it afforded an awesome lifestyle, I was miserable.

I worked in major law firms, which are a particular brand of evil... and I just was deeply unhappy. It really took a toll on my mental health… Maybe you can relate?

When I left my corporate job, I wanted freedom and access to my own time, but I was unsure of what options are even available to a business professional already making a cool 6-figure salary.

And honestly - my comfy corporate job that I worked so hard for was leaving me feeling unfulfilled, but I didn’t want to compromise the lifestyle I had worked so hard for.

- I was stuck

But once I had a real example of someone close to me who became an entrepreneur - and I got to see for myself the autonomy and freedom it afforded them - that was it. I knew this was the lifestyle for me.

As corporate professionals we are unique - we worked hard to get to land that corporate gig, and so our situation poses a particular layer of guilt…

A layer that can keep you from taking that step into the unknown.

At the end of the day, we have a choice!

We need to stop sticking with something simply because we already got there, or because we might lose something along the way… what about everything you’ll gain from taking the leap?

Here's what I want for you...

I want you to start moving away from the things that feel crappy, and moving toward the things that are maybe unknown, but feel more in alignment with your deeper wants.

I want you to stop worrying about what anyone else is doing, or what they think - instead, I want you to start to prioritize what feels right for you.

Imagine, finally listening to that inner voice that has been telling you you’re capable of more… and soo deserving of more!

More control over your time, more freedom, more flexibility, more $$$ in the bank...

I'm a big believer that small consistent steps in the same direction will take you great distances - especially if you get clear on where you want to go.

A lot can change over the course of a year -

It’s time to get intentional about designing the life that you want. 

You are moments away from changing your life - What are you waiting for?

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